200 Adorable Muslim Baby Boy Names Perfect for New Age Parents

200 Adorable Muslim Baby Boy Names Perfect for New Age Parents

200 unique and adorable Muslim baby boy names for modern parents. Each name is rich in meaning and reflects beauty, culture, and spirituality.


Choosing the perfect name for your little one is an exciting and meaningful task for parents.

For Muslim parents, the significance of a name extends beyond its sound—it reflects faith, culture, and virtues.

In today’s world, modern parents often seek names that are traditional but also trendy and unique, resonating with the new age.

To make your journey easier, we have curated a list of 200 adorable Muslim baby boy names, each with a beautiful meaning.

These names are perfect for today’s parents who want to balance tradition with modernity.

Presented in 20 tables, these names offer inspiration for the perfect choice for your little prince.

Adorable Muslim Baby Boy Names

Here is a complete list of 200 names.

1AahilPrince, great leader
2AarizRespectable man, intelligent
3AyaanGift of God
4ZayanBeautifier, grace
5RayyanLuxuriant, one of the gates of Paradise
6SameerJovial, loyal friend
7DaniyalIntelligent, a prophet’s name
8HamzaLion, brave
9BilalFreshness, moist
10SaadFelicity, happiness
11HasanHandsome, good
12KhalidEternal, everlasting
13ImranProsperity, long-lived
14FahadPanther, strong
15IdrisInterpreter, prophet
16TariqMorning star
17AsadLion, courageous
18ArhamKind, merciful
19ZaidGrowth, abundance
20MustafaThe chosen one
21NabeelNoble, intelligent
22NasirSupporter, defender
23OwaisGifted, generous
24QasimDivider, distributor
25RafiqCompanion, friend
26RaheemMerciful, compassionate
27RashidRightly guided
28RehanSweet-smelling, scented
29SuleimanA prophet’s name, peaceful
30TalalAdmirable, kind-hearted
31TamimComplete, brave
32UmarLong-lived, flourishing
33WaheedUnique, unparalleled
34YahyaLiving, breathing
35ZakirRemembrance, grateful
36ZubairStrong, mighty
37LatifKind, gentle
38AzeemGreat, magnificent
39AkramMost generous
41AdilJust, fair
42AlauddinExcellence of religion
47FaizanBenefactor, generous
48FarhanHappiness, joyful
55HuzayfahCompanion of the Prophet
57IlyasA prophet’s name
59IsmailA prophet’s name
62JibrilAngel Gabriel
63KamilComplete, perfect
64KareemGenerous, noble
66KhaleelIntimate friend
67MahdiRightly guided
69MansoorVictorious, triumphant
70MarwanSolid stone
71MikailAngel of sustenance
74NadimCompanion, friend
75NawazGift, favor
76NayyarBright, shining
77NazimOrganizer, arranger
78NoorLight, brightness
79QadeerPowerful, capable
80QamarMoon, radiant
81RamiArcher, thrower
82RasheedRightly guided
83RiyazGardens, meadows
84SabbirPatient, enduring
85SajidWorshipper, prostrating
86SalmanSafe, secure
87ShafiIntercessor, healer
88ShanPrestige, dignity
89SufyanCompanion of the Prophet
90TabrezIntelligent, skilled
91TahaPure, virtuous
92TalalAdmirable, kind-hearted
93UmarLong-lived, flourishing
94WaheedUnique, unparalleled
95WaleedNewborn, young
96YahyaLiving, breathing
97YaseenHeart of the Quran
98ZakirRemembrance, grateful
99ZubairStrong, mighty
100ZuhaibStar, planet
101Abdul WahabServant of the Giver
102Abdul BasitServant of the Expander
103AfzalBest, most excellent
104AhnafUpright, one who avoids sin
105AlimLearned, knowledgeable
106AmaanProtection, safety
107AmeenFaithful, trustworthy
108AnjamStars, success
109ArsalanLion, fearless
110AshrafNoble, honorable
111AtifKind, affectionate
112AzizPowerful, respected
113BakirEarly, timely
114BarakBlessed, prosperity
115BasharatGood news, glad tidings
116BuraqLightning, steed of Prophet Muhammad
117DanishKnowledge, wisdom
118DilshadHappy heart, joyful
119EbrahimFather of nations, prophet’s name
120FajrDawn, morning prayer
121FaridUnique, unparalleled
122FirdousParadise, garden
123GhulamServant, boy
124HadiGuide, leader
125HarunExalted, a prophet’s name
126HishamGenerosity, noble
127HumayunBlessed, fortunate
128JameelHandsome, beautiful
129KamranSuccessful, fortunate
130KhalilFriend, confidant
131MajeedGlorious, exalted
132MarwanSolid stone
133NawfalGenerous, bountiful
134NizamOrder, system
135QamarMoon, radiant
136SaifullahSword of Allah
137TahirPure, chaste
138YounusA prophet’s name
139ZaydanGrowth, increase
140Abdul MalikServant of the King
141Abdul QadirServant of the Powerful
142Abdul RahmanServant of the Most Merciful
143AhsanExcellence, best
144AzamSupreme, great
145BaqirDeep knowledge
146FaheemIntelligent, understanding
147HaseebNoble, respected
149JabranConsolation, reward
150JunaidSoldier, warrior
152LutfiKind, gentle
153MahfuzPreserved, protected
154NadheerWarner, cautioner
155NumanBlood, life
156RaqibObserver, guardian
157RidaContentment, satisfaction
158ShuaibA prophet’s name
159SirajLamp, guidance
160TahseenBeautification, improvement
161TalibSeeker, student
162UmairLife, long-lived
163WahabGiver, generous
164YameenRight, blessed
165ZahirLuminous, shining
166ZiyadGrowth, abundance
167ZunairLight of the moon
169AdeelJustice, fairness
170AfaaqHorizons, possibilities
171AkifDevoted, dedicated
174FadilVirtuous, generous
175HadiqGardener, cultivated
177JubairCourageous, strong
178NasimFresh breeze
180ZaheerHelper, supporter
181AlishanElegant, distinguished
182BasharBringer of good tidings
184FirasKeen intelligence
185HaneefTrue believer, monotheist
186IqbalProsperity, success
187JazibAttractive, handsome
188NafeesPrecious, valuable
189SabeerPatient, tolerant
190SajeelHandsome, beautiful
191ShayanWorthy, deserving
192TameemPerfect, complete
193UmarLife, flourishing
194WajeehNoble, respected
195YasarEase, comfort
196YounanDove, peaceful
197ZakwanIntelligent, pure
198ZamanTime, era
199ZayyanGraceful, bright
200ZubairStrong, mighty


Choosing a name is a beautiful journey that reflects your love, faith, and hopes for your child.

We hope this list of 200 adorable Muslim baby boy names provides the perfect inspiration for your little prince.

Explore more of our articles for name inspirations and parenting tips, and may you find the perfect name that resonates with your heart!

Let me know if you would like further edits or additions! 😊

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