Islamic Baby Boy Names 200 Beautiful Choices from the Quran

Islamic Baby Boy Names: 200 Beautiful Choices from the Quran

Explore 200 beautiful Islamic baby boy names inspired by the Quran. Find meaningful and unique names to bless your child with an everlasting identity.


Choosing a name for your baby boy is a joyous and significant responsibility.

In Islam, names are not just identifiers—they carry deep meanings, blessings, and connections to faith.

Quranic names, in particular, stand out for their spiritual significance, timelessness, and profound meanings.

To help you find the perfect name for your little one, we have curated a list of 200 beautiful Islamic baby boy names inspired by the Quran.

Each name is unique, meaningful, and connected to Islamic tradition, ensuring your child’s name reflects their faith and identity.

Why Choose Quranic Names?

Quranic names have a special place in the hearts of Muslim families.

Many of these names are derived directly from the Quran or are associated with prophets, companions, and other significant figures.

By choosing a Quranic name, you are honoring your faith and giving your child a name that embodies virtues such as kindness, wisdom, and strength.

200 Beautiful Islamic Baby Boy Names from the Quran

Here is a comprehensive list of Islamic baby boy names with their meanings.

1AdamFirst prophet, father of humanity
2AyyubProphet known for his patience
3IdrisA prophet’s name, interpreter
4IlyasA prophet’s name
5IshaqA prophet’s name, laughter
6LutA prophet’s name
7NuhA prophet’s name, Noah
8SalehA prophet’s name, righteous
9ZakariyaA prophet’s name
10YusufA prophet’s name, beauty
12HarunExalted, a prophet’s name
13HudA prophet’s name
14IsaA prophet’s name, Jesus
15MusaA prophet’s name, Moses
16ShuaibA prophet’s name
17YunusA prophet’s name
18ZaydGrowth, abundance
19SulaimanA prophet’s name, peaceful
20MahdiRightly guided
21AhsanExcellence, best
22AlimKnowledgeable, learned
23AminTrustworthy, faithful
24BasirSeeing, insightful
25HakeemWise, judicious
26HamidPraised, commendable
27KareemGenerous, noble
28LatifGentle, kind
29NajeebNoble, distinguished
30RaheemMerciful, compassionate
32RashidRightly guided
33RaufCompassionate, kind-hearted
34SabirPatient, tolerant
35ShahidWitness, martyr
36ShakirGrateful, thankful
37TahirPure, chaste
38WaliGuardian, protector
39ZahirLuminous, evident
40ZubairStrong, brave
41AkbarGreat, grand
42AshrafNoble, honorable
43FaheemIntelligent, understanding
45HadiGuide, leader
46HaiderLion, brave
47JabbarMighty, powerful
48JameelBeautiful, handsome
49KamalPerfection, excellence
50MunirIlluminating, radiant
51NadirRare, precious
52NaeemComfort, blessing
53RayanLuxuriant, one of the gates of Paradise
54SaeedHappy, fortunate
55SaniBrilliant, splendid
56ShafiIntercessor, healer
57TariqMorning star
58UsmanCompanion of the Prophet
59WaleedNewborn, young
60ZakwanPure, intelligent
61ZaydGrowth, abundance
62AadilJust, upright
64AfaqHorizons, possibilities
65BasimSmiling, cheerful
68FadilVirtuous, generous
69HarisGuardian, protector
70HuzayfahCompanion of the Prophet
71IdreesInterpreter, prophet
72IqbalProsperity, success
73JubairCourageous, strong
74LutfiKind, gentle
75MahdiRightly guided
76NumanBlood, life
77QadirOmnipotent, able
78RaedPioneer, leader
79SalmanSafe, secure
80TahseenBeautification, improvement
81TalibSeeker, student
82UmarLong-lived, flourishing
83WahidUnique, one
84YasirEasy-going, prosperous
85YounusA prophet’s name
86ZakiPure, innocent
87ZeeshanGrandeur, high status
88ZunairLight of the moon
89AlishanElegant, distinguished
91BasharatGood news, glad tidings
92EbrahimFather of nations, prophet’s name
93FirasKeen intelligence
94HaneefTrue believer, monotheist
96JazibAttractive, handsome
97NafeesPrecious, valuable
98RaqibObserver, guardian
99RidaContentment, satisfaction
100SirajLamp, guidance
101TahirPure, virtuous
102WaliProtector, friend
103ZafarVictory, triumph
104ZayanGraceful, adornment
105Abdul AzizServant of the Almighty
106Abdul QadirServant of the All-Capable
107Abdul RahmanServant of the Merciful
108Abdul WahabServant of the Giver
109AkramMost generous
110AnasFriendly, companion
111AzeemGreat, magnificent
112FaheemIntelligent, understanding
115HaiderLion, brave
117IdrisA prophet’s name, interpreter
118ImranProsperity, long-lived
119JabbarMighty, powerful
120KareemGenerous, noble
121LatifKind, gentle
122MahfuzPreserved, protected
123MunirRadiant, luminous
124NaeemComfort, blessing
125NadirRare, precious
126QasimDivider, distributor
128SaeedHappy, fortunate
129SabirPatient, enduring
130SulaimanA prophet’s name, peaceful
131TalalAdmirable, kind-hearted
132TariqMorning star
133WahabGiver, generous
134YasirProsperity, ease
135YusufA prophet’s name, beauty
136ZakiPure, virtuous
137ZaynBeauty, grace
138ZuhaibStar, planet
139AbanClear, eloquent
140AdilJust, upright
141AhsanExcellence, best
142BadrFull moon
143BasimSmiling, cheerful
144EhsanGoodness, favor
146GhulamServant, boy
147HakeemWise, judicious
149JameelHandsome, beautiful
150KamalPerfection, excellence
151LuqmanA wise man, a chapter in the Quran
152NabeelNoble, distinguished
153RafiExalted, high
154RashidRightly guided
155RehanSweet basil, fragrant
156SaifullahSword of Allah
157ShakirThankful, appreciative
158SubhanGlory, praise
160WajeehNoble, respected
161YasinHeart of the Quran
162ZakariyaA prophet’s name
163ZeeshanGrandeur, high status
164AadilJust, fair
165AmirLeader, commander
166ArhamKind, merciful
167AzharBrilliant, radiant
168BashirHarbinger, bringer of good news
169FaizanBenefactor, generous
170FaridUnique, unparalleled
171HudaGuidance, direction
172IkramHonor, respect
173JunaidSoldier, warrior
174MazharManifestation, appearance
175MoeenHelper, supporter
176NumanBlood, life
177QadeerPowerful, capable
178RidaContentment, satisfaction
179SirajLamp, guidance
181YasirWealthy, prosperous
182ZainAdornment, beauty
183ZubairStrong, brave
184Abdul SamiServant of the All-Hearing
185Abdul NoorServant of the Light
186Abdul MalikServant of the King
187AltafKindness, gentleness
189BalighEloquent, adult
190FazalGenerosity, favor
192HishamGenerosity, noble
193IdrisA prophet’s name, interpreter
194JibrilArchangel Gabriel
195MalikKing, sovereign
196SadiqTruthful, honest
197WaleedNewborn, young
198YameenBlessed, right
199ZakiPure, innocent
200ZiyaLight, radiance


Choosing a name is a sacred and meaningful process.

We hope this list of 200 beautiful Islamic baby boy names from the Quran has inspired your journey.

Each name reflects Islamic heritage, values, and faith, making it a perfect choice for your child.

For more name ideas and parenting tips, do not forget to check out other articles on our website.

Your perfect name is here!

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